People who come to work with us have:
Been dealing with pain/discomfort/injury and thought their pain would go away on it’s own - but it didn’t.
Seen several Doctor(s)/Specialists without lasting relief
Already tried injection therapy/cortisone steroids, pain killers, muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatories, physical therapy (PT), chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, etc. and still live with pain.
Tried a few YouTube exercises and Dr. Google which did not produce the results they were looking for.
Thought it would be a good idea to rest because the pain was so bad, but all that did was make the area even more stiff and tight.
Had surgery already and it didn't work or you were told surgery will fix the problem but you are feeling reluctant.
Been told by a family member or friend that “everybody gets aches and pains as they get older” - making it easy to accept its “just a part of life”.
Been looking for a holistic approach to maintaining their health and long-term independence.
Greg completed his Master of Oriental Medicine degree from the International Institute of Chinese Medicine in December of 2003. In June 2004 he opened Dancing Crane Center of Chinese Medicine in Salem, Virginia.
At Dancing Crane, Greg, incorporates acupuncture, tuina massage, herbal medicine, nutritional counseling and qi gong into his treatment plans. Although he treats a wide range of conditions, his specialty is in the treatment of pain, orthopedics, neurological syndromes, stress reduction and longevity medicine. Greg sees patients privately and also operates a part time community acupuncture clinic.
Greg has been involved in martial arts since 1995 and currently teaches Qi Gong, Taiji Quan, Ba Gua Zhang meditation and stress reduction. He also teaches classes in Chinese Medicine Nutrition, cooking and other Chinese Medicine related topics. He has worked with Global Alternative Healthcare Project (GAHP) where he has led teams of healthcare practitioners to remote areas of the Navajo reservation. In addition he has also traveled to Nepal and Tanzania to do aid work. Greg has also been a guest lecturer at Roanoke College and Virginia Tech.
Jonathan is a martial arts instructor and certified practitioner of traditional tui na (Chinese medial massage) from New York, NY.
His path into these arts began after working as an electrician for years – pulling heavy wires, drilling into concrete – and he had eventually developed chronic wrist pain that made suffering a part of his job and daily life.
He would undergo 2 failed surgeries and was not willing to undergo a 3rd. Many doctor visits ensued, and all of them were in agreement: nothing was wrong. Discomfort, sharp pains, weakness and low energy; these are all parts of life, he was told, and, after accepting that, he lived with it for 7 more years.
Years later when Jonathan was introduced and began practicing the eastern arts, his pain was gone within 6-12 months. Not only was his body released from tension and pain, but it helped him to develop strength, coordination, patience and mental focus. There was never anything wrong with his wrist but in how he was managing and moving his body. His energy levels spiked. His mind was clear and digestive issues he lived with since childhood were also resolved. What started out as a means of curing his wrist pain turned into a lifetime pursuit and a way to quantify a feeling of daily (and yearly) personal progress.
Now, as a professional instructor, he says, “Perhaps most gratifying of all has been the opportunity to empower others who want to take control of their physical well-being.”
Jonathan helps Dancing Crane Center manage patient/client experience and implementing our world-class patient education training programs.